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Want to know something really funny and SO #momlife? I wrote this blog post June 2016 and never published it. My baby is all grown and the field is full of houses, but there is no better time than the present to hit publish! Goodness gracious, y'all!
This session was a combination of two ideas. Remember a few weeks ago when I mentioned a field? This field is actually just a few cleared lots in the back of our neighborhood. Every day when I drove past it I just knew it was perfect for pictures. For weeks, I tried to take Landon out there but something always seemed to come up - a thunderstorm, a melt down...
At the same time, I had also wanted to take pictures of Landon eating ice cream or a popsicle. I mean, is there anything cuter (or more terrifying) than watching a toddler eat a treat? The only thing I couldn't figure out was how do I keep a popsicle cold in the crazy South Carolina heat?
BINGO! I'll take Landon out to the field!
And I kid you not. TWO days later they poured foundations, so my field is no more.
She missed Christmas, but came just in time for the Charleston snow.
You'll have to excuse the photo dump in this blog post, but my momma heart can't handle that my baby is 6 months old. I wanted to document each little detail of him because I know we are quickly leaving infancy and heading straight towards toddlerhood. Cue the tears! Scroll all the way to the bottom to see my assistant in action. He's loving the camera he got for Christmas.
Rhett, "baby Maddox" (the doll I use to practice with) and my pant-less assistant.
1. Wait for night (this was hard for me. You can tell in the picture with both boys that I didn't wait for it to get super dark.)
2. All of the lights off except the tree. I used a lamp across the room to cheat a little and give me a little light.
3. Camera in manual mode with the following settings as a guideline:
Aperture all the way open (mine was f 1.8)
Shutter speed slowish (mine was 1/250)
ISO super high (mine was at 5000)
>>> NO FLASH! <<<
Shameless plug - I teach a basics of photography class that will teach you what all of these thing mean :)
4. Snap way! Who cares if they're technically perfect - have fun with your kiddos. The picture of Landon above... he was calling our tree a gum-nut. I'm not even sure what that means but he thought it was hilarious and made for a cute picture.
Full disclosure, I did edit my final pictures just for personal preference.
Before (SOOC)
You can also do these types of pictures during the day for a different, but still fun, look.
She's a tiny little piece of perfection.
I adore the ease of in-home newborn sessions. This little man was a breeze to photograph too. He spent the first part of his session awake, checking everything out. After a quick feed, he snoozed the rest of the time I was there.
This dog, Blue, was not about to be upstaged by this new little human living in his home.