The Story Behind the Scar

In our pre-session consultation, mom mentioned a scar on Luke's chest that she did not want to be edited out. During our session, we chatted about the scar and Luke's big story behind it. His mom was telling me about his major surgery to correct a heart defect all while I was watching this happy, strong little boy play on my studio bed - it was absolutely amazing. I think we under estimate the strength of little ones sometimes and Luke's story will prove just how much fight they have in them.


Luke is only 9 months old but he's endured more physical trials already in his time on earth than most people have in a lifetime. When I was 20 weeks pregnant, we found out our sweet baby was a boy!! We weren't shocked but still so excited- we had a feeling all along that he would be a boy and we couldn't have been more thrilled to see him in the ultrasound that day. It was such a joyous moment but was quickly followed by one of the scariest and dumbfounding moments of our lives. We were called into my OB's office to be told that our son had a congenital heart defect. It felt like a huge blow to the stomach. What in the world was this lady talking about? Nothing like this runs in either of our families. I was having a totally normal and healthy pregnancy so far. How could this be happening? We had so many questions and no answers. It was surreal walking out of the office that day.

It's hard to explain but my husband and I (after crying with each other for several minutes) felt total peace about the situation. We prayed and asked God to take hold of the situation. There was literally nothing we could do to help our baby boy or to mend his heart. It was completely out of our control, which is a pretty sickening feeling. But at that moment, we chose to trust God and rely on Him to be our help.

The rest of my pregnancy was normal. I went in for extra checkups to make sure the baby was doing okay and he always was.. but the heart defect was still present every time they checked. Fast forward to June 17, 2016.. we welcomed our first born son to the world! What a precious and memorable day!

Within the first 24 hours of his life, his heart was checked several times by different doctors and pediatric cardiologists to confirm the heart defect. Still there. His diagnosis: ventricular septal defect or VSD. Basically, Luke had a giant hole in his heart. We were told initially that he would require surgery immediately after birth.. but God, being rich in mercy, spared him from that. We were able to take Luke home from the hospital 2 days later and treat him like a normal newborn. Such an amazing answer to prayer! Over the next several months, we became very familiar with MUSC and the pediatric cardiology department. Dr. Kim McHugh is a true gem and has cared for our baby since his first week of life. He was monitored closely by cardiology and also by his pediatrician. We were told that he probably wouldn't gain weight very well, he would be lethargic, he wouldn't feed well, he would have trouble breathing due to blood back-flowing into his lungs.. the list went on and on. But once again, God so rich in mercy, spared our sweet Luke from all of these symptoms. Every time we went for a cardiology appointment, they would do an ultrasound on his heart only to tell us that his VSD was very large and would eventually require surgery. That his body wouldn't be able to keep up and would start going downhill. But let me tell you, you would literally have never known by looking at him on the outside that his little heart was suffering on the inside. The doctors were absolutely amazed every time they saw him. We had comments such as, "Wow! He is totally proving us wrong with everything we said about him!" They couldn't believe how well he was doing- gaining weight and basically showing no signs or symptoms of having progressive heart failure.

We continued this routine for 5 1/2 months. At that time, Dr. McHugh said we should go ahead and schedule surgery before he turned 6 months old in order to prevent complications for him later in life. So on December 13, we admitted our sweet boy to MUSC. He had open heart surgery and Dr. Kavarana successfully repaired not just one, but THREE holes in our son's heart. We weren't even aware that the other 2 were there! They found them during his post-operative work up and we weren't even told about it. Dr. K said Luke's VSD was the largest one he's ever seen in that region of the heart. To think that our son was thriving and living life with three holes in his heart brought us to our knees and we could not and cannot stop thanking the Lord for his precious life. Seeing our baby in the cardiac ICU for the first time was probably the worst moment of my life. Tubes were coming out of every where- mouth, nose, chest.. it was a horrific sight for this mama. His face was swollen, eyes puffy, chest covered in a huge bandage, and there was even dried blood around his neck. It was almost more than I could bear. But looking at him, knowing that his heart had been made whole, was a precious sight.

The Lord had been so faithful to us. He used the hands of a surgeon to heal our son and we are forever grateful. The following days in the hospital were rough- I won't lie about that. Seeing our baby in such a pathetic, sickly state was extremely hard. I probably cried more in that week than I ever have in my life. Having my husband, family, and church friends surrounding us was priceless. We truly felt God's love poured out on us through the love and support of everyone.

We finally took our baby home and began the process of returning to "normal". It took a while to adjust but Luke proved again how strong he is and how faithful God is in our lives. By just three days after returning home, Luke was totally back to his normal self. We continue follow up appointments with cardiology and just recently got the "all clear". Luke's heart is no longer enlarged and his heart function is completely normal. For the first time in his life, he has a "normal" heart (with a few patches on the inside). :)

The long scar on his chest is a daily reminder of so many things for us... primarily that God is faithful and so loving and hears our prayers and delights in giving good gifts to his children. He is our Healer and the bearer of our burdens. It has been a long trial for us but we are so glad to be on this side of surgery and finished with all of the close monitoring. What a joy Luke is to us! His life is only more precious and priceless having been through all of this. I would never want to relive it or wish it on anyone else, but if God chose to place us in a similar trial again, we would rely on his grace and his unfailing love to get us through it again. He is our all in all and we thank him daily for his mercies on our lives and our son's life. What an amazing story Luke will have to share for the rest of his life!

And like my husband likes to jokingly say, "chicks dig scars".

Thank you so much for allowing me to share Luke's story. Like we talked about, I hope your family's story and strength can help someone else who may have just received similar news. And I agree with your husband, I do dig his scar. 

Mommy Spotlight: Ingrid

I am so excited for y’all to meet Ingrid! You might remember seeing her twins' cake smash (with a few appearances from big sister). I came across her blog after doing their session and I was blown away. You see, Ingrid and her husband's path to their sweet children wasn't an easy one. Moreover, she is so open and honest about the trials and tribulations of their journey to show other couples they are not alone. I asked her if she would share a little of her story and she graciously accepted!

What is your biggest accomplishment as a mom?

My biggest accomplishment as a mom has been the blood, sweat, and tears it took to complete our family.  I had no idea what it would take and the perseverance I had inside of me.  Our first baby, Anna, came miraculously after 10 months of tests trying to figure out the extreme pelvic pain I was experiencing for years.  One week before my scheduled laparscopic surgery I found out I was pregnant with our daughter.  After my C-section with her I apparently had an unknown infection that lead to the development of pelvic adhesions and scar tissue.  I didn’t know about them until two years later when I had my first laparoscopic surgery to remove some large cysts.  Once the doctor began the operation she quickly saw my tubes were completely damaged by scar tissue and my ovaries were completely covered in scar tissue that couldn’t be removed because we wanted more kids and it could’ve damaged the ovaries forever.  So I awoke to the news that IVF would probably be our only option to have more kids.  As soon as I heard this I had a faith in my heart to give IVF our best shot to expand our family.  I knew if we didn’t try I would regret it forever.  A few months later we began a 7 month rollercoaster to get our twin boys which included one failed round and an ectopic pregnancy.  During that time we cried a lot but we also grew closer as a family and I wouldn’t change a thing.  I had no idea I had the strength in me to endure 3 rounds of hormone shots, procedures, and the hardest thing of all, waiting for the results.  But I remember the first time I saw two little sacs on the ultrasound screen and the relief we felt knowing all of our hard work paid off.  We got the 3 kids that we always dreamed of. That feeling will stick with me forever!  

What are your hopes and dreams for your children?

My biggest hope for my children is that they grow up to make this world a better place.  I want them to be positive contributors to our society.  We hope to raise them in a way that calls out their full potential and cultivates their God-given gifts.  

This is always my favorite question to ask moms because I feel like we are all in this together and sometimes, you just need to laugh. What is the funniest moment you’ve had recently as a mother?

Being a twin mom and mom of three is the most chaotic thing I’ve ever been a part of.  Twin 13 month olds are so messy.  Sometimes it is hard to clean the mess up right away.  After the boys eat (throwing most of it on the splat mat) we usually move right on to the next activity.  There have been several times I’ve gone to the kitchen to clean something and I noticed they went back to the mat and are eating off the floor.  Sometimes I just ride the wave of chaos and let them keep eating their second lunch.

A few final thoughts…

Celebrating our twins' first birthday was such a sweet moment for us after the heartache it took to get them and I’m so glad we have it all in pictures to remember. We will cherish them forever.  

Y’all, if you could have been a fly on the wall during this smash. Finn was all about his cake. He was quiet and content. He was focused on the task at hand – making sure he got every part of his cake. Larson, on the other hand, was the life of the party. Eating cake? Nah! Making everyone laugh by turning his cake into a slip and slide? Heck yeah!

I’m so lucky to get to work with families like this one and I am so grateful that Ingrid is so open and honest about their journey to three beautiful children.  You can read more of her story here.