After months of planning, his session finally arrived and he was a perfect little client! I can't wait to watch him grow this year!

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After months of planning, his session finally arrived and he was a perfect little client! I can't wait to watch him grow this year!
You'll have to excuse the photo dump in this blog post, but my momma heart can't handle that my baby is 6 months old. I wanted to document each little detail of him because I know we are quickly leaving infancy and heading straight towards toddlerhood. Cue the tears! Scroll all the way to the bottom to see my assistant in action. He's loving the camera he got for Christmas.
Rhett, "baby Maddox" (the doll I use to practice with) and my pant-less assistant.
I adore the ease of in-home newborn sessions. This little man was a breeze to photograph too. He spent the first part of his session awake, checking everything out. After a quick feed, he snoozed the rest of the time I was there.
This dog, Blue, was not about to be upstaged by this new little human living in his home.
This mom-to-be emailed me months ago to book a session during their babymoon to Charleston. I cannot wait to share more from this sweet session and show you why they were beyond excited to be doing a maternity session!
It feels like only yesterday I was in the hospital with him, but in reality it's been three whole months. He has brought so much joy to our family and his big personality is fitting in perfectly to our circus! Last month he found his tongue, but this month (really in the past few days) he's learned how to make spit bubbles. He's starting to work his hands and catch a hold of anything in their path. During this quick little session he actually laughed for the first time!