This mom-to-be emailed me months ago to book a session during their babymoon to Charleston. I cannot wait to share more from this sweet session and show you why they were beyond excited to be doing a maternity session!

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This mom-to-be emailed me months ago to book a session during their babymoon to Charleston. I cannot wait to share more from this sweet session and show you why they were beyond excited to be doing a maternity session!
It feels like only yesterday I was in the hospital with him, but in reality it's been three whole months. He has brought so much joy to our family and his big personality is fitting in perfectly to our circus! Last month he found his tongue, but this month (really in the past few days) he's learned how to make spit bubbles. He's starting to work his hands and catch a hold of anything in their path. During this quick little session he actually laughed for the first time!
June is the month that I need to go slow and go fast all at the same time. It's the last month before Rhett joins our family, but it's the last month before Rhett joins our family - know what I mean?!
The month started off with some typical nesting... planting flowers and putting down new mulch. I'm pretty sure I also did major yard work when I was super pregnant with Landon. At least one boy had fun :) Landon is really into watering the yard and likes to announce that he's being a "biggggg helper!"
Did you notice his shirt tucked into his undies? When I saw that I ran inside to grab my camera because it just doesn't get cuter than that!
I finally finished the baby's nursery and I LOVE IT! I am thrilled with how it turned out even thought it took me 35 weeks and a few meltdowns to figure out. I purchased an entire airplane blueprint set that I obsessed over for weeks. When it finally arrived, I hated it and ended up switching back to 'ol faithful - nautical/sailboats. It's probably for the best anyway, the boys will probably share a room at some point (Landon's room is also nautical/whales).
I also almost changed the baby's name, but "Rhett" survived (and so did his already monogramed homecoming outfit!)
Landon is still obsessed with airshows, airplanes (which he calls "the Air Force") and helicopters.
We did even more testing on Rhett. This pregnancy has been much tougher than Landon's. This time around I had morning sickness and then got really sick with a fever, which apparently is bad while pregnant, the same week Trip was working nights. Thank the Lord my mom drove up to keep Landon. Then Rhett tested at increased risk for Trisomy 18, which was terrifying. That required additional blood work, an echo ultrasound to check his heart and now weekly non-stress tests. AND because Landon was thought to have IUGR, I've done two extra ultrasounds to check Rhett's size (those were just fine with me though!). Anyways, we will be happy when a healthy baby is placed on my chest and this will all be behind us.
We also had maternity pictures taken by my friend and fellow photographer, Alisha at Hampton Park (downtown Charleston). It's one of my favorite spots.
Despite how cute Landon looked he was SO bad. Landon is always hyper- but this was next level.
I have such a love-hate relationship with the lovely age of three. He is already asking a million questions and there are moments when I just want a few minutes of silence. But then he does sweet things like tuck Catboy and "Monkey George" in for his nap and my heart explodes and I want him to be three forever.
Hopefully the last half of the month is just as fun. I could use some rest, but honestly, I'm enjoying how fast time is moving at the moment... until Rhett comes. Then it needs to go slow because babies just don't keep!
When you find the perfect street that just screams "Charleston".
She wouldn't have anything to do with me when we first started the session. By the end, I got this. One of my favorite pictures to date.
It's beginning to feel a little like a warm fall here in South Carolina. Ha! After living in New York and then Washington for 4 years, it feels like a cool summer day to us. We don't mind one bit!
North Charleston, South Carolina Family Photographer
North Charleston, South Carolina Family Photographer
I always end sessions with an all white portion. While I love the beginning with color, it's always these end shots that tug at my heart.
Charleston, South Carolina natural newborn photographer
White, purple, grey and pink newborn session. West Ashley - Charleston, South Carolina
When Hurricane Matthew decided to show up in Charleston the same weekend as this little girl's due date, we were all a little nervous. This family happens to be some of our really good friends so we invited them to evacuate to Columbia, South Carolina with us. Day after day we watched the storm coverage. Morning after morning we asked Pam if she felt different. All I could think was that my friend was going to bring her baby "home" to my in-law's house. Though it all, Pam remained at peace that God would protect them.
As soon as the storm moved through and the roads were passable, they quickly hit the road back home. Thank the Lord they did - Pam went into labor that night! They welcomed baby L on Sunday afternoon, 24 hours after Hurricane Matthew passed through Charleston.