September 2017

I can't believe September has already come and gone! This month started my peak season with everyone getting in their pictures while the weather is "cooler"  for Holiday cards so I didn't pull out my camera as much for the boys. However, a few days ago Landon was telling Rhett about the letters he was going to mail and it was just the cutest thing. Rhett thinks Landon is the greatest. Landon loves that he can "make Rhett's heart feel happy".  The third picture, the one of him stretching, kills me. It could just as easily be a picture of Landon at that age. 

Gigi and Granddad came for a weekend visit. When I was newly pregnant with Rhett, I got really sick and my mom came to help me with Landon while Trip worked nights. Landon remembered how Gigi drew a puppy dog face on him from all those months ago. This time, he requested a cat face. He came downstairs beaming with pride over his "kitty cat face... with Gigi's makeup!

I took these next two of Landon while my parents were in town. We let Landon sleep in our room while my parents slept in his bed. He started out in his sleeping bag, but I woke up to this. He's always been a wild sleeper. Being the first one up has it's perks. 

When I say Rhett could sit in his swing all day, I'm not kidding. I was getting all of my camera gear packed up for a session and I was struck by how the window was casting such pretty light on him. He just seemed so peaceful in the dark room. 

The end of September means that Rhett is 3 months old. He's still a peanut - this onesie is a size 0-3 months. I did pack away all of his newborn size clothes, which were working really hard to start fastened due to his length. I know we are getting ready to enter such a fun phase of babbles, sitting up, playing, etc but I love the newborn phase so much. He's been such a great baby (already sleeping through the night and so happy!) that I wish I could freeze this phase. 

You can see more from Rhett's 3 month session, here

Folly Beach Milestone Session

The age where they toe the line of independent toddler and baby- this is one of my favorite and sweetest ages to photograph.

Six Month Milestone Session | West Ashley Baby Photographer

Wrapped up the weekend with one of my sweet newborns who went and grew up. She still has her great head of hair

Spring fun at Folly Beach, SC

These two sweet kids were so much fun to work with. One ended up soaking wet. Can you guess which one?


A Sunset session in Hampton Park | Charleston, SC Maternity Photographer

Such an amazing couple! I left feeling like I had known them forever and I cannot wait to see them again + one sweet little baby!


A sleepy 4 month session | Charleston Newborn Photographer

I just added studio mini sessions to my offerings and I am so glad I did! This was the perfect session type for this little 4 month old boy who was full of smiles... until he passed out in my fur (or "puppy" as his 2 year old sister liked to call my rug). 

Mom was disappointed that she missed out on newborn pictures so we made to to document every detail of her sweet baby. 

4 month Milestone Session | West Ashley Child Photographer

You might remember this little lady's maternity session, fresh 48 session or her newborn session (yes, I love to photograph this little one). Can you believe she is already 4 months old? It's been so much fun to watch her grow up 

This last picture was just a quick "for a friend" snap, but I ended up loving it. As moms, we are often behind the scenes (soothing or feeding babies) so I think we all deserve a picture of us in action. And the way they are looking at each other melts my heart. 

First Look: Charleston Newborn Session

He was pretty good to me this morning 

Downtown Charleston Maternity Session | Charleston Maternity Photographer

There were alley cats, chickens (aka dogs) and horses galore during this session tonight.

Downtown Charleston Maternity Session

Downtown Charleston Maternity Session