I thoroughly enjoyed a morning with these two brothers...I'm sure they enjoyed their cake for breakfast too!
A dreamy in home newborn session | Summerville Newborn Photographer

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I thoroughly enjoyed a morning with these two brothers...I'm sure they enjoyed their cake for breakfast too!
I got brave and brought my camera to our donut date. This might have to become a thing... donut dates and taking my camera to "normal" places.
July was a full month! We transitioned from a family of 3 to 4, which is still weird to say. Landon loves his brother, but is acting out a little for attention. Breastfeeding is going well. I've made it farther than I did with Landon, and Rhett seems to be a lot better at it than Landon ever was.To be totally honest, I'm drained. Even though Rhett is sleeping decent stretches at night, it is tough having to wake up several times and then care for two kids + a house + a business all day. I keep reminding myself this is just a session and will be over before I know it (and that actually makes me sad). It's amazing how much Rhett changed from the beginning of the month to the end. The last set of pictures in the crib are from his 1 month session. Landon picked out the giraffe as his present to Rhett in the hospital. I plan to use it for Rhett's monthly pictures to show his growth.
There is something so special about having a newborn at home. There were several moments while I was shooting that mom or dad would stop and sigh -- partly from being tired, but mostly from the sheer joy of finally having their little girl home.
The floral "E" hung above the crib. These flowers were used during their wedding and now find a home in their daughter's nursery. How sweet is that?
I said my final goodbye and walked to my car feeling inspired and grateful for the wonderful people I get to work with. A fresh baby, a new mom, excited grandparents, and morning light will do that to you.
West Ashley, Charleston, SC Lifestyle Newborn Session
In my other life, I am an inventory manager for Purpose Boutique. Darling Magazine recently did an article on the store featuring one of my pictures! You can read the article here.
Purpose Boutique | Kirkland, WA