Dancing on the cobblestone and lots of tickling - the BEST way to spend a Sunday evening.
July 2017
July was a full month! We transitioned from a family of 3 to 4, which is still weird to say. Landon loves his brother, but is acting out a little for attention. Breastfeeding is going well. I've made it farther than I did with Landon, and Rhett seems to be a lot better at it than Landon ever was.To be totally honest, I'm drained. Even though Rhett is sleeping decent stretches at night, it is tough having to wake up several times and then care for two kids + a house + a business all day. I keep reminding myself this is just a session and will be over before I know it (and that actually makes me sad). It's amazing how much Rhett changed from the beginning of the month to the end. The last set of pictures in the crib are from his 1 month session. Landon picked out the giraffe as his present to Rhett in the hospital. I plan to use it for Rhett's monthly pictures to show his growth.
Sweet Family Charm | Downtown Charleston, SC Family Session
This family session was done bright and early in the morning in Downtown Charleston. We hit some of the best and most photograph-worthy spots- Rainbow Row and Waterfront Park.
The pastel Colors of Rainbow Row were the perfect backdrop for a little dress twirling. What little girl could resist?
This family was such a breeze to photograph. They were so comfortable while I ran around snapping my camera. I probably said "Oh my word!" a hundred times in the 30 minutes we were together for their Downtown Charleston family session.
Last Family Beach Day | Folly Beach, SC Family Mini Session
In April I held beach mini sessions at the washout at Folly Beach. Since this family is getting ready to move, they decided it was the perfect way to document their family during their last few months in Charleston.
I actually photographed this little one when I first moved to Charleston. It was so fun to get to work with her again! You can see her first session here.
One thing is for sure- she was way more active this time around! Chasing around an 18 month old at 30+ weeks pregnant on soft sand was a workout. You can believe I was sore the next day!
K, A & P- I wish you the best of luck with this move. Know you will be sorely missed in Charleston, but I can't wait to see what adventures come next!
Folly Beach Milestone Session
The age where they toe the line of independent toddler and baby- this is one of my favorite and sweetest ages to photograph.
A sleepy 4 month session | Charleston Newborn Photographer
I just added studio mini sessions to my offerings and I am so glad I did! This was the perfect session type for this little 4 month old boy who was full of smiles... until he passed out in my fur (or "puppy" as his 2 year old sister liked to call my rug).
Mom was disappointed that she missed out on newborn pictures so we made to to document every detail of her sweet baby.

2016 Mini Session Sets
My trusted assistant/studio wrecker/model helped me test out my sets for this year's Year End Studio Mini Sessions. I decided to keep this year's sets simple and mostly white so the kiddos really stand out.
I must say, his hand-me-down overalls and consignment store button down shirt and bowtie were perfect!
Fall? | North Charleston Family Photographer
It's beginning to feel a little like a warm fall here in South Carolina. Ha! After living in New York and then Washington for 4 years, it feels like a cool summer day to us. We don't mind one bit!
North Charleston, South Carolina Family Photographer
North Charleston, South Carolina Family Photographer
Hampton Park Family Session | Charleston Family Photography
We are newly back to Charleston and I guess I had forgotten about the infamous "pop up summer storm". What started as a beautiful day quickly turned into a black-cloud evening in West Ashley. Ashley and I (in case you're confused... mom's name is Ashley, my name is Ashleigh and we both live in West Ashley. Got it? Ha!) decided we would head downtown and see what happened. I was thrilled when I pulled into Hampton Park and was greeted by beautiful sunshine!
After the first pose, I could already tell this family's love was going to translate beautifully on print. The boys were as sweet as could be and interested in two things - running and loving on their momma. We chatted about their new home, our Georgia connections and their upcoming vacation. As I'm sure you can tell from the pictures, they were a dream family to work with!
First Look | Birthday Session in Downtown Charleston
I took my baby out for his 2 year session tonight. We sang lots of B-I-N-G-O, ate some M&Ms, ran down cobblestone streets, looked at the "wadder" and managed to grab some cute pictures in the process.