Going to miss this sweet family as they head off on their next big adventure. But first, they must play among the moss on a crazy hot day with their Charleston baby who is almost one!
Charles Towne Landing Family Session | Charleston Family Session
I meet this momma at a Le Leche League event and was so excited to get back together a few weeks later for a fall family session at the beautiful Charles Towne Landing.
A Charles Towne Landing Family Session
A morning of running, airplanes, spinning around, belly buttons, and bubbles with these two sweet things.

First Look | Charleston Family Photographer
A morning of running, airplanes, spinning around, belly buttons, and bubbles with these two sweet things.
A morning at Charles Towne Landing
Have you been to Charles Towne Landing? It's the most amazing place - both for scenery and wearing little boys out. It's the original site of the first permanent English settlement in South Carolina so it's full of history. Landon and I spent the morning running through the oaks, working on the boat and learning about opossums during toddler time.
And then sometimes, I still see a little of my "baby boy" in him. I swear I have a million pictures of him throwing something...