I know a little girl who loves the ocean. I am so glad the weather went from 100% chance of rain to giving us a beautiful sunrise before this family moves to start their next adventure.
Beach Baby | Folly Beach Family Photographer
It's been so fun watching this girl grow up from the under 5 pound newborn to the happiest beach baby who is almost one!
Folly Beach Maternity Session | Folly Beach Photographer
Sunset after the storm | Folly Beach Maternity Photographer
I was so upset when I woke up to the sound of rain. This mom-to-be had booked her Folly Beach maternity session months in advance and I really wanted it to be the perfect night. Late morning, the sun came out and I was so hopeful the day would turn around. And that's when a nasty, black could rolled in. I checked the radar (a few dozen times), fired off an email and then waited.
The radar promised a clear sky over the beach, so I loaded up the car in the rain and started driving. Sure enough, the sky started to turn blue the closer to the beach I got. And, without fail, as soon as I parked the bottom dropped out.
About the time the rain stopped, we started walking out to the beach with a "hope for the best" attitude. As we topped the sand hill we were met with a glorious view of the lighthouse and the most beautiful cotton-candy cloud sky. The evening just got better as the sun started to set. We laughed, dad danced, there was a peanut gallery of little boys playing at the beach offering their commentary on our session - it was just a fun night!
I am so thankful for this couple that drove through a thunderstorm for pictures with me. I think Folly Beach was showing off for them because it was one of the most beautiful nights I've ever seen.
Folly Beach Maternity Session
A last hurrah! | Folly Beach Family Photographer
I got to spend the evening at Folly with this family before they pack up and head back west. It's been a joy to watch these kiddos grow up. Remember the twins' cake smash? Fair winds and following seas!
September 2017
I can't believe September has already come and gone! This month started my peak season with everyone getting in their pictures while the weather is "cooler" for Holiday cards so I didn't pull out my camera as much for the boys. However, a few days ago Landon was telling Rhett about the letters he was going to mail and it was just the cutest thing. Rhett thinks Landon is the greatest. Landon loves that he can "make Rhett's heart feel happy". The third picture, the one of him stretching, kills me. It could just as easily be a picture of Landon at that age.
Gigi and Granddad came for a weekend visit. When I was newly pregnant with Rhett, I got really sick and my mom came to help me with Landon while Trip worked nights. Landon remembered how Gigi drew a puppy dog face on him from all those months ago. This time, he requested a cat face. He came downstairs beaming with pride over his "kitty cat face... with Gigi's makeup!"

I took these next two of Landon while my parents were in town. We let Landon sleep in our room while my parents slept in his bed. He started out in his sleeping bag, but I woke up to this. He's always been a wild sleeper. Being the first one up has it's perks.

When I say Rhett could sit in his swing all day, I'm not kidding. I was getting all of my camera gear packed up for a session and I was struck by how the window was casting such pretty light on him. He just seemed so peaceful in the dark room.

The end of September means that Rhett is 3 months old. He's still a peanut - this onesie is a size 0-3 months. I did pack away all of his newborn size clothes, which were working really hard to start fastened due to his length. I know we are getting ready to enter such a fun phase of babbles, sitting up, playing, etc but I love the newborn phase so much. He's been such a great baby (already sleeping through the night and so happy!) that I wish I could freeze this phase.
You can see more from Rhett's 3 month session, here.
June 2017 - Part 2
I finally got around to editing Landon's birthday pictures. Landon - at the beach - by myself- while trying to take pictures of him proved to be very difficult. You can see we had an outfit change mid-session. As we were getting dressed in the car I told Landon how we weren't going to get wet until after mommy took pictures and he promised to stay dry. Well, that lasted all of 10 minutes, but it wouldn't be pictures of Landon if he wasn't in the ocean fully clothed! You'll also see that sand throwing was a thing. While I don't think this is some of my best work, I think it does capture his wild personality.

Because waiting for your milk post-nap is just so difficult. Well, I guess when mom stops to take some pictures it is :)

My time with this bump is coming to an end so I set up the tripod, got out the remote and took a few self-portraits.

After taking a few bump pictures, Landon saw me working on a thank you gift for our nurses at the hospital (a bucket full of junk food). He found a "special treat" and asked if he could have it. It's amazing what this baby will do for a Nutty Bar...

His big personality is so exhausting at times (mostly just because I'm 100 months pregnant and would rather just sleep all day), but, gosh, I love it. I can't imagine life without my silly boy.
Toeing the Line Between Baby and Toddler | Folly Beach, SC Milestone Mini Session
We spent an early morning photographing this beautiful little girl and her wonderful parents at Folly Beach during sunrise.
We arrived first thing at Folly Beach before the sun was coming up over the horizon for our beach session. It was a gorgeous sight and the light was perfect.
I previously photographed this little girl for her nine month milestone session. Look how she has grown!
She is such a serious little soul. You can see it in her sweet face that she is thoughtful and pensive.
She would get brave enough to splash in the water, but then to run to mommy for a snuggle when the waves came in a little too fast.
As she got more comfortable, she loved to point out the birds.
She is right at the age where she is toeing the line of baby and independent toddler. It is such a lovely and bittersweet transition and capturing this stage is such a privilege.
Folly Beach Milestone Session
The age where they toe the line of independent toddler and baby- this is one of my favorite and sweetest ages to photograph.