This mom-to-be emailed me months ago to book a session during their babymoon to Charleston. I cannot wait to share more from this sweet session and show you why they were beyond excited to be doing a maternity session!

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This mom-to-be emailed me months ago to book a session during their babymoon to Charleston. I cannot wait to share more from this sweet session and show you why they were beyond excited to be doing a maternity session!
I always have giddy energy before doing a session in downtown Charleston. You never know what you're going to get - most days there are dozens of tourists exploring our beautiful city, sometimes you'll see 10 different brides taking their bridal portraits, and you might even see the pirate lady walking around with a group of students giving tours. Lately the weather has kept me guessing as well. When the day finally rolled around for this family's maternity pictures, we got the most beautiful February day to document baby girl #2's sweet little bump.
Mom missed out on maternity pictures with her first as big sister decided she was going to come early. As we walked around chatting about preparing for her second baby, I could tell mom was relieved to have made it this far along.
If you follow me on Facebook, you probably saw the story about the horse. Big sister (who I had to call Elsa (from Frozen) the entire session) wanted a picture with a horse so bad. We kept trying, but between cars and a moving target, we kept missing the moment. At the very end of the session, we were finally on a quiet street when we heard a horse clicking down the street. The stars aligned and WE GOT THE PICTURE! The carriage driver even stopped so big sister could pet the horse. It was such a special moment to end the night. And with that, here are the pictures from the wonderful night in downtown Charleston...
I always end sessions with an all white portion. While I love the beginning with color, it's always these end shots that tug at my heart.
Charleston, South Carolina natural newborn photographer
I might be a little slow to answer emails as we wait to see what happens with Hurricane Matthew. I'm still planning on getting galleries from last week out in the next few days. Everyone stay safe out there!
Because there were two stars of the show last night...
Rain in Charleston is pretty rare. Or at least it feels that way after living in Seattle for three years. We had gone days without a drop of rain and then on session day, it was pouring! We pushed the session back until the next day without a chance of rain and hoped for the best since Missy and her husband were on vacation at Folly Beach.
Y'all, last night was perfection. Cotten candy clouds over the surf and a pug wearing a bow-tie. What could be better that that?
Folly Beach Maternity Photographer
The most beautiful couple in a stunning location (mom in the most perfect dress). Y'all, this is maternity session perfection. Can't wait to meet this little guy!
And because I couldn't decide. Which do you prefer? Color or B&W?
Pam was one of the first people I met in Washington. We instantly hit it off because, even though we met on the opposite side of the country, we grew up about 20 minutes apart in Georgia. I'm pretty sure we were friends from that day on. The Navy has a way of doing that. We've endured deployments and celebrated homecomings. We've run many miles and races together, prayed together, and just did life together. We were thrilled to get orders to Charleston, the town where they had also moved.
And now we get to celebrate with them because they are adding a little girl to their family! With Pam's sweet, compassionate spirit and Kyle's calm, patient soul, this baby is going to have two of the most amazing parents!
It was a warm evening in downtown Charleston, but Hampton Park was so good to us. Although it had rained for days prior, the sun was shining and the flowers were in full bloom.
I know I speak for everyone when I say that I cannot wait to meet this little girl! I hope she knows how much she was prayed for and how many people already love her.
The joy of new life. We can't wait to meet you baby girl!
Some people are just born to be mothers and this glowing mom to (almost) 4 babies is one of them! She braved a morning at the park with 3 little ones to document her current pregnancy without batting an eyelash.