This mom-to-be emailed me months ago to book a session during their babymoon to Charleston. I cannot wait to share more from this sweet session and show you why they were beyond excited to be doing a maternity session!

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This mom-to-be emailed me months ago to book a session during their babymoon to Charleston. I cannot wait to share more from this sweet session and show you why they were beyond excited to be doing a maternity session!
It feels like only yesterday I was in the hospital with him, but in reality it's been three whole months. He has brought so much joy to our family and his big personality is fitting in perfectly to our circus! Last month he found his tongue, but this month (really in the past few days) he's learned how to make spit bubbles. He's starting to work his hands and catch a hold of anything in their path. During this quick little session he actually laughed for the first time!
I might be a little slow to answer emails as we wait to see what happens with Hurricane Matthew. I'm still planning on getting galleries from last week out in the next few days. Everyone stay safe out there!
About an hour before we were supposed to meet the clouds rolled in and it started to sprinkle. We decided to move forward with the session and hope for the best. Dad watched the radar as I worked with the kids and little miss toted the umbrella (that was bigger than her) as we walked around. With the pastel colors, snuggles, giggles and dancing, it was the perfect night despite the rain.
When it came time to take my baby's Birthday pictures, I knew exactly where I wanted to go. The Battery has to be one of my favorite places in the entire world. The architecture, the colors, the palmettos, the ocean... need I say more?
I have to admit, I'm pretty pleased with just how many images I ended with. If you know my son, you know he is W.I.L.D. Much of the session was spent singing B-I-N-G-O and eating M&Ms while chasing him down the cobblestone streets. At one point my husband looked at me and said, "Do you think you have anything?" Got to love the dads who work so hard to make sessions go well.
Landon has this photog-kid thing figured out. Give her a few quick smiles and she'll go away. We were trying every trick in our wheelhouse to get all of the locations I had in mind. After a few rounds of jumping off a box, climbing on fences and singing B-I-N-G-O, Landon looked at my husband and said "NEXTTTTT!!!"
He's everything a 2 year old should be - spunky, silly and a little naughty. Happy Birthday, buddy!