Despite a thunderstorm mid-afternoon, Downtown was totally showing off with a dreamy, gold sunset for this sweet boy's birthday pictures.

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Despite a thunderstorm mid-afternoon, Downtown was totally showing off with a dreamy, gold sunset for this sweet boy's birthday pictures.
Dancing on the cobblestone and lots of tickling - the BEST way to spend a Sunday evening.
This mom-to-be emailed me months ago to book a session during their babymoon to Charleston. I cannot wait to share more from this sweet session and show you why they were beyond excited to be doing a maternity session!
I met this family bright and early for a session full of baby snuggles and cake eating in celebration of this little guy's first birthday. As soon as I pulled my camera out, he flashed me the best smile and I knew this was going to be a good session.
This was such a sweet family. It was apparent from the beginning of the session just how much they love each other- and how obsessed they are with their baby! And it turns out that our husbands work together and we have a few mutual friends. It's funny how small the world is!
We walked around Downtown Charleston and hit the "hot spots"- Rainbow Row and Waterfront Park- and then headed to White Point Gardens for some cake.
You would never know from the pictures, but K didn't actually eat any cake! He might win the title for "Messiest Cake Smasher Who Didn't Actually Eat Any Cake." He loved running his hands through the cake though.
K, I hope you have a wonderful dinosaur birthday party and that year #2 is full of many wonderful memories!
A weekend away in Charleston, South Carolina turned into a night she would never forget.
I've decided to start sharing more personal pictures on this blog. Picture are pictures, right?
Today, the baby and I decided to blow off nap time and head to downtown Charleston for the day. I've haven't taken him downtown alone yet because, well, he is wild! We started our day-date at The Battery for a picnic under the Oak trees. Then we headed over to Waterfront Park for some water fun. Y'all this baby loves the water. Every time he would leave the water area I'd ask him if he was all done. He would shout, "nooooo!" and run back in. Every single time. I thought we'd stay for a half hour... we were there for TWO! I dragged his pruned little body out of the water and distracted him with popcorn while I convinced him we should go home.
It was such a fun time down at Waterfront Park. Mommy got a suntan and baby ran out some energy. Oh, and bonus! He's currently upstairs napping. Woo hoo!